Friday, April 20, 2012

Inside Narconon's bizarre treatments

Inside Narconon's bizarre treatments David love discusses his strange and painful experiences there. It was like 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest times 10,' he says By CATHERINE SOLYOM, The Gazette April 20, 2012
In October 2009, six months after he had gone from "graduate" of the Narconon program to "Certified Counsellor," David Love began a crusade to have it shut down. He has filed a complaint with the Quebec Human Rights Commission. Photograph by: MARIE-FRANCE COALLIER THE GAZETTE , The Gazette Perhaps the lowest point in David Love's "treatment" for drug addiction at Narconon Trois Rivières was the five-hour sauna on his 25th day of fivehour saunas. Read more:

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